2024 Gathering was hosted by Tulalip Tribes

Registration :Elder $50 Individuals $100 (includes membership)

27th Annual Gathering was Hosted by Tulalip Tribes at the Tulalip Gathering Hall, 7512 Totem Beach Road, Tulalip WA 98271 (note not at Tulalip Casino Resort but at Tulalip Gathering Hall)

Schedule of Events

Thursday Oct. 3th Tulalip Resort Casino 1022 Quil Ceda Blvd, Maryville WA

3:00 pm to 7:00 pm  Registration and pre-registration badge pick up by the pool entrance at the Tulalip Resort Casino (save time in line by pre-registration on-line or mailing in form), please note this is the only part of the event at this location. If you are unable to pre-register in this time slot you may do so at the Gathering Hall Friday morning but please be patient with the time needed to get through registration as our staff give everyone their full attention.

Friday Oct. 4th  Tulalip Gathering Hall 7512 Totem Beach Road, Tulalip WA 98271

8:00 am to 9:00 am Featured weavers set up, registration and badge pick up

9:00 am , Doors open, Teaching/ Weaving , Welcome

Youth Track opens

1st session 9:00 am to 12: noon

2nd session 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm 

4:00 pm Teaching/Weaving session ends for the day

6:00 pm Banquet hosted by Tulalip Tribes for all members

Saturday Oct. 5th Tulalip Gathering Hall, 7512 Totem Beach Road, Tulalip WA 98271

8:00 am to 9:00 am Featured weavers set up in Gathering Hall

9:00 am Registration Opens, Doors open, Teaching/ Weaving 

2:00 pm Silent Auction

3:00 pm General Membership meeting

4:00 pm Gathering ends